To: To High-school students
Re: Pleasea consult topics separately.	 (mail210729-2)
Dear Friends,

I'm worried if I can tell you something that interests you.
You have an opportunity to live in Nagaoka.
I want you to enjoy your life in Nagaoka even more.
For that reason, I want you to know Nagaoka even more.

If you would like to talk more detail, please let me consult individually 
for 15 minutes during lunch break.

Example 1  "Pulling shoulders each other"
We usually pull shoulders each other during passing 
a narrow snowy road.
We can find several mutual spirits in snow land

Example 2  "Water"
Quality of tap water in Japan
  Why is Japan so rainy and snowy?
  Quality of river water
  Irrigation works in Nagaoka from 17th century 
  Diversion and drain in Niigata land since 100 years ago
For Japanese Sake production
  Handicap of Soft water in the Eastern Japan 
  Turn soft water to plus

